The Virginia Tech Biological Sciences Outreach Program, "SOuP", supports K-12 outreach education and encourages the growth of K-12 participation in research. SOuP works as part of the VT-STEM (VT-Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) Outreach Initiative to form partnerships that support the University outreach mission. Researchers in the biosciences and geosciences can utilize the education outreach programs of SOuP to enhance their grant proposals.
The Backboned Seven Activities and pictures to assist students in learning the seven classes of vertebrates. Includes specimens and picture wheels to assist in identification. (1 kit) *SOL*
Bat Kit Contains books, brochures, and activities about bats, bat conservation, and bat "fact and fiction." Kits includes an assembled bat box, a "Bat and Moth" game, and bat masks. (1 kit) *SOL*
Birds Kit Includes study skins of some common birds and materials to aid in teaching about birds: posters and graphics, a field guide, activities, bones and feathers, and a bird song tape. (1 kit) *SOL*
Insect Kit Includes specimens commonly found in Virginia, the US, as well as some unusual insects found in other countries. Includes activities for investigating insects. (1 kit) *SOL*
Mammal Kit Contains specimens and bones of mammals common to Virginia, a field guide to animal tracks, a key to mammal skulls, and a handbook with additional information and activities. (1 kit) *SOL*
Save Our Streams Kit (SOS) This kit contains stream monitoring equipment for the citizens stream quality survey of the Izaak Walton League. Participants determine stream quality by inspecting the number and types of insects and other aquatic organisms. Training workshops are held twice a year. Field assistance upon request. (8 kits) *SOL*
Wolf Kit The kit contains materials that collectively explain the past and current wolf situation in North America, the wolf's role in biodiversity, wolf biology, and wolf social characteristics. Included are the teacher's guide Wolves and Humans, story and activity books, a video, and four wolf posters. (1 kit available) *SOL*
MINTS Project was funded by the Howard Hughes Medical Institute to encourage hands-on, inquiry-based science using local environments as laboratories. The MINTS Book is still a much requested resource for teachers and community groups working to encourage outdoor learning for youth through the The Children and Nature Network and other concerns around the No Child Left Inside Act (2009 H.R. 2054). Thanks to the generous, collaborative efforts of the North Carolina Office of Environmental Education, The MINTS Book is now available online through the Geosciences Outreach page.
MINTS Hands-on Science Kit Science tools, such as hand lenses, thermometers, and pH paper. Ideal for indoor or outdoor science activities and is large enough to support a class of 20-30 students. (2 kits)
- Virginia Museum of Natural History
- American Museum of Natural History
- National Museum of Natural History
- Kuban's Guide to Natural History Museums on the Web
- Meta-list of Natural History Museums and Collections (University of Washington)
- Smithsonian Institute
- Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections
- Eastern Shore of Virginia Historical Society
Mike Rosenzweig
Senior Instructor and Outreach Director
2094-E Derring Hall (MC 0406)
926 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
(540) 231-5360
To learn more about The Massey Herbarium at Virginia Tech, visit their website. The herbarium was founded in approximately 1927 and today has over 115,000 specimens of vascular plant, fungi, bryophytes, and lichens. It is are the largest herbarium in Virginia and has long been a critical resource for understanding the southeastern USA flora.
SEEDS: Seek, Education, Explore, DiScover
Discovery Learning for Everyone: Founded in 1995
SEEDS has a mission to teach children and families about our wonderful environment and learn about it first-hand.

Come Visit!
SEEDS-Blacksburg House Nature Center at the Historic Price House
Rain or shine....nature discovery for children right downtown. It's a museum and more for children and the young at heart! In partnership with the Town of Blacksburg Dept. of Parks and Recreation and the Department of Biological Sciences. For more information, including hours and directions, visit the Nature Center's Facebook page (no log-in necessary).