Kendra Sewall
Associate Professor of Biological Sciences

3001 Derring Hall (MC 0406)
926 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
926 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Major Fields of Interest
Animal Behavior and Neurobiology
Current Research
My research seeks to understand how neural and behavioral processes - and the environmental and developmental factors that impact those processes - contribute to animals' survival and reproductive success.
- 2013- Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2009-12 NRSA Postdoctoral Fellow, Duke University (Stephen Nowicki and Erich Jarvis, sponsors)
- 2008-09 SPIRE Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Keith Sockman, advisor)
- 2008 Ph.D., Animal Behavior, University of California, Davis. Dissertation: Age-dependent plasticity of call production and responsiveness in red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra): Implications for social intermixing and evolution (Thomas Hahn, advisor)
- 2000 BA (cum laude), Biology (Honors), Middlebury College; School for International Training, Ecology and Conservation, Madagascar (study abroad)
- 2018 Service Award, Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2014 Fralin Life Sciences Institute Young Investigator Award, Virginia Tech ($10,000)
- 2013 Virginia Tech Mentoring Grant, College of Science, Virginia Tech ($1500)
- 2013 American Ornithologists’ Union Travel Award for the 2014 International Ornithological Congress ($800)
- 2008-2010 IRACDA/SPIRE Postdoctoral Teaching Fellowship, National Institutes of Health