Lisa Belden
Professor of Biological Sciences

4088 Derring Hall (MC 0406)
926 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
926 West Campus Drive
Blacksburg, VA 24061
Major Field of Interest
Organismal Biology / Ecology
Current Research
Research in the Belden lab is focused on community ecology in relation to disease dynamics Current lab projects include work examining the role of species diversity in trematode parasite dynamics in wildlife populations, and the role of symbiotic skin microbes in preventing amphibian infection by the chytrid fungus that has caused many amphibian population declines around the world.
- 2016-present. Professor. Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2013 (fall). Visiting Scientist, Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), Quito, Ecuador
- 2011-present. Research Associate, Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, Panamá
- 2011-2016. Associate Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2004-2011. Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, Virginia Tech
- 2001-2003. Post-doctoral research associate, Department of Biology, Pennsylvania State University and Department of Biology, University of Washington
- 2001. Ph.D., Zoology, Oregon State University. Advisor: Dr. Andrew Blaustein. Dissertation title: Sublethal effects of UV-B radiation on larval amphibians.
- 1995. B.A., Biology, University of Montana. Advisor: Dr. Colin Henderson. Honors thesis: The effects of new forestry practices on click beetle communities.
- 2015 Distinguished Alumna Award, Lincoln Southeast High School, Lincoln, Nebraska
- 2014 VT Fralin Life Sciences Institute Innovator Award ($25,000)
- 2013 VT Scholar of the Week (week of July 29, 2013)
- 2013 VT Dept. of Biological Sciences Outstanding Research Award
- 2012 VT College of Science Certificate of Teaching Excellence
- 2011 VT Dept. of Biological Sciences Outstanding Teaching Award
- 2010 VT Favorite faculty nominee (Spring semester)
- 2010 VT Dept. of Biological Sciences Outstanding Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award
- 2001 Best biological sciences oral presentation, OSU graduate student conference, 2001 ($100)
- 2001 Student Travel Award for SICB meeting (Chicago), 2001 ($500)
- 2001 Best student poster presentation, Division of Ecology and Evolution, SICB, 2001 ($100)
- 1999 OTS Tropical Biology course participant in Costa Rica
- 1998 National Science Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship ($25,000)
- 1997 Honorable Mention, NSF Predoctoral Fellowship
- 1995 Outstanding Senior in Biology, University of Montana
- 1993 National Goldwater Scholarship for Science ($7000/year for 2 years)